Image by Danielle MacInnes
Here’s a Great Way to Start Your Day!
Tap every morning to start your day physically aligned with the ground you walk on.
I developed this tapping protocol after many athletes told me:
“I got up this morning and when I put my feet on the floor, I knew it was going to be a great day out there” OR “I got up this morning and I put my feet on the floor and I knew it was going to be a bad day out there.”
I wanted to find a way to make every day a great day (or at least better than a “bad day out there”), so I developed this “Start Your Day” protocol!
This “Global Alignment” protocol will put your body in alignment with the energy grid of the planet.
Our planet has an energy grid around it, referred to as “ley lines,” and they’ve been studied for decades.
Click below to learn more about the benefits of tapping and how Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) works: