What Happens When You’re Injured or Have Surgery & Loss of Range of Motion
There are only a couple of athletes out of the hundreds I’ve worked with that haven’t been injured! Sports injuries are an expected phenomenon if you’re an athlete. There are also beliefs held about how long it takes to recover from any given injury or surgery and what that process entails.
But, what if there was a way to heal faster? What if there was a way to help your body completely heal all your past sports injuries and surgeries? (Even youth sports injuries!)
Whenever you have recent or youth sports injuries, or have had surgery, there are three areas that need to be cleared on the cellular level:
- The first is the shock and trauma to the body itself. That trauma immediately settles into the cell receptors and will just stay there unless you signal the cell receptors to release that trauma. Along with trauma immediately comes adrenaline, pain, fear, and even fear of death. Just because you aren’t in pain or you don’t feel any fear or adrenaline right now doesn’t mean it has cleared out of your cell receptors. It’s still sitting there and must be released for maximum healing results.
- The second area has to do with all the emotions that you experienced as a result of the injury/surgery. For example, anger, frustration, sadness, embarrassment, disappointment, hopelessness, loss of control, and body betrayal are some of the common emotional chemicals that get stuck in the cell receptors as a result of sports injuries. An injured athlete often experiences negative emotions connected with the rehab process or not being able to perform for a period of time due to the injury/surgery. These emotional chemicals must be released for maximum healing results.
- Finally, whenever you are injured, your body immediately forms a fear of re-injury and a memory of protection on the cellular level to keep that part of your body safe. You begin to hold yourself in a certain way and your body begins to adapt around the injury. Once that injury heals, nothing signals the body to release the fear of re-injury and the memory of protection. Your body then never returns to a state of balance, but remains in that adaptive state. You will consciously or unconsciously hold back in the way you move your body and will often experience a loss of range of motion. This increases your chances of further injuries.
This is why it can take so long for your body to heal from sports injuries — and why youth sports injuries can have such a lasting impact.
When the trauma, adrenaline, pain, all of the emotions, fear of re-injury, and memory of protection are sitting in those cell receptor sites, your cell receptors aren’t as available to take in all the good things you’re doing to support the healing of the injury. That’s why it can take so long for an injured athlete to heal.
But, once you release all this, now you’ve freed up your cell receptors to be fully available to take in nutrients, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. All the things you’re doing to heal can work at the deepest cellular level in your body (physical therapy, chiropractic care, supplements, massage, etc.).
Past Sports Injuries & Surgeries
I have discovered that past sports injuries and surgeries never fully heal on the cellular level because the trauma, adrenaline, memory of pain, emotions, the fear of re-injury and the memory of protection have never been released from the cell receptor sites.
If you experienced significant youth sports injuries, they may still be impacting you to this day!
You end up holding back physically to protect your body either consciously or unconsciously. Most injured athletes are very aware of holding back, but try to mentally fix it.
Many clients have reported that aches and pains they’ve had for years are completely gone once we release everything on the cellular level. You most likely will also recover your loss of range of motion and be able to move your body in ways you haven’t been able to for years.
(Please note that anywhere I use the words “injury,” “injuries,” or “sports injuries,” this also applies to any surgery or surgeries you’ve ever had.)
Loss of Range of Motion
I have pioneered the use of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to help the injured athlete with loss of range of motion issues since 2003.
I discovered this while working with a professional golfer who couldn’t get his body all the way around into his back swing due to a previous hip injury. Within minutes of EFT tapping, he was able to get his body into his full backswing and keep his left heel solidly on the ground.
I continued to experiment with EFT tapping for loss of range of motion and found results to be stunning! In fact, often times, an increase in range of motion is 60% or greater.
A loss of range of motion is usually experienced after an injury or have surgery. Using the EFT tapping protocols I’ve developed will help you recover your range of motion.
However, there are times when you have a loss of range of motion and it’s not related to an injury of any kind.
What I’ve discovered is that emotional chemicals can store in certain parts of your body and as a result inhibit range of motion. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve tapped with an athlete on a specific issue they were stressed about in their life, and once released and processed, their range of motion was instantly restored.
If you’re angry with someone, fearful about something, feeling guilty about a situation, etc., those emotional chemicals can inhibit the movement of your body. Think of it as a barometer to let you know that those emotional chemicals are sitting in your cell receptors and need to be released.
Your body will get your attention any way it can!
Sometimes, there is neither an injury nor an emotional upset of any kind, but there is a stiffness or tightness that is inhibiting range of motion. I’ve developed an EFT tapping protocol for this situation as well.
Injury Recovery — The Ultimate Sports Injuries & Surgery Recovery Program
I have developed a powerful Injury Recovery Program to help you speed up the healing of current sports injuries, complete the healing of past injuries (including youth sports injuries), and increase range of motion.
If you’re an injured athlete, you’ll be happy to hear that every Sports Performance Manual contains this program. Non-athletes can find this program in the Injury Recovery ebook.
My Injury Recovery Program will assist your body in healing any current or past:
- Regular or sports injuries (including youth sports injuries)
- Loss of range of motion in shoulder after surgery or injury (or unexplained!)
- Shoulder pain and loss of range of motion
- Loss of range of motion in lower back
- Loss of range of motion in neck
- Loss of range of motion in knee
- Loss of range of motion in hip
- Falls
- Concussions
- Car accidents
- Dental work
- Medical procedures
- Surgeries
I am also available to work privately with you to take you through my program for maximum results.
The first step is a free evaluation by phone to discuss your injuries/surgeries.
I’ll ask questions for clarification and make sure I can truly help you and that we’re a good fit for one another before I accept you as a new client. I will also share with you some information about what I do, how I work, and answer any questions you may have. Based on what I learn during the evaluation, I’ll recommend the appropriate program.
To schedule your free evaluation, please email me:
- Your name
- Three days and times you are available to do the evaluation (please include your time zone and phone number)
- Please list your sports injuries/surgeries or range of motion issues
- Sessions are conducted by phone, FaceTime, Skype, or in person.
I’m very passionate about my work and I want results for you!
Please note: This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician. If you are injured, seek medical advice immediately. My tapping protocols are also not a substitution for the standard treatment you would give an injury (such as ice, heat, elevation, rest, surgery, etc.), nor are they a substitution for your rehab process. They are in addition to everything else you are doing to treat sports injuries or surgery recovery.