Work with Stacey


Private Sessions for
Athletes & Non-Athletes

I work with driven, goal-oriented “do whatever it takes” athletes and non-athletes who are interested in releasing issues and getting results. Using breakthrough techniques, we conquer issues at the cellular level and bring your subconscious and conscious minds into alignment so you can get the results you’re seeking.


Nerve cells

Sports psychologists address only the mental level by telling you how to think differently. If it were simply a matter of thinking differently, I guarantee as an athlete, you would have figured this out for yourself and already be doing it. Athletes are some of the mentally toughest people I’ve ever met.

I’m going to say this over and over again to help you understand why sports psychology and mental game strategies aren’t resolving your issues—the performance issues you’re having start on the physiological and cellular levels.

Once you have addressed the root issues on the cellular level, then you can more easily implement your mental game strategies.



It’s critical to align your subconscious mind with your conscious goals. Since our subconscious mind is 95% of who we are, if we don’t have its alignment with what we are consciously wanting, it won’t happen.

I use something called “Permission to Succeed” and check for subconscious objections in eight areas for each of your goals. When those objections are discovered, I use a powerful technique called PSYCH-K to quickly release the objection and align your subconscious mind with your conscious goal.

Imagine having 100% of yourself in alignment and agreement with what you’re wanting to accomplish!




The first step is a FREE performance evaluation by phone to discuss the issues you’re interested in resolving.

I’ll ask questions for clarification, to make sure I can truly help you, and determine if we’re a good fit for one another before I accept you as a new client.

I will also share with you some information about what I do, how I work, and answer any questions you may have.

Based on what I learn during the evaluation, I’ll recommend the appropriate program for the issues you’re seeking to resolve.

Sessions are conducted via Zoom, FaceTime, or Skype

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    Athlete Testimonials

    David Bell

    As an athlete, working with Stacey helped me on and off the field. Through tapping on issues about baseball I was able to free myself of old injuries, hang-ups, and bad habits. Tapping on off-the-field issues has changed my life and opened my mind up to a new world. It has given my body and mind the freedom you need as an athlete to focus and perform at the highest level.

    David Bell, Former Major League Baseball Player for the Indians, Mariners, Giants, Phillies, and Brewers
    Beverly Kearney
    Since I started tapping with Stacey I feel like I have a means of releasing things that I go through during the day or that I have gone through already without having to wait. It’s almost an immediate response once I tap. I use the Travel Recovery protocols and I feel rejuvenated once I get off the plane. A lot of times I’m flying coast to coast and even sometimes internationally, and I don’t have the lag time that I normally would have.
    Beverly Kearney, Former University of Texas Head Coach, Woman’s Track and Field
    Marry Kopez
    Stacey’s insights, techniques and counseling have literally been a life saver. I was essentially bound by injuries out of competitive professional golf. Regardless of a surgery and numerous rehab attempts, I found my old injuries still chasing me down in retirement and impeding my coaching, let alone my day-to-day life. Work with Stacey has revolutionized my recovery and has been a direct success to our golf program and my professional growth.

    “I consider Stacey a mentor and integral part of successful performance. Her influence is rooted deeply in the growth of our players and my overall well-being. If you are serious to enjoy the success you deserve, tune in and trust Stacey. It’s well worth every moment.

    Maria “Loopy” Lopez, Head Golf Coach Embry Riddle University; LPGA Class A Member & 2007 LPGA National Coach of the Year
    Tyler Green
    The Baseball Manual actually gives you a framework where all you have to do is do it. It will work regardless of what your knowledge of it is. It really doesn’t matter whether you believe it or whether you understand it, you just have to do it because it works. This technique is a lot more strategic, it’s a lot quicker, and results happen many times immediately and end up being permanent
    Tyler Green, Retired Major League Baseball Player, Pitched for Philadelphia Phillies
    Stacey was instrumental in making me a better football player. She helped me to identify the mental blocks that adversely affected my performance. After altering my focus and perspective, I played with increased confidence, and I enjoyed the overall experience much more. The new mindset I brought onto the field influenced my life off the field. I developed a more positive outlook on life, and I continue to appreciate the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.
    Jesse Ainsworth, ASU Football Kicker, 2003-2006
    Vinny Rottino
    Catching can be quite grueling mentally and physically and the Body Recovery protocols make me feel refreshed. That’s one of the most beneficial sets of tapping protocols that Stacey has given me. It’s allowed me to bounce back quicker and play every day and catch every day, which can be very taxing. Since tapping with Stacey, I am able to see myself successful. I can visualize easier, getting in that zone much more easy. It just frees me up mentally and physically and it’s very beneficial.
    Vinny Rottino, Professional Baseball Player, Former Catcher for Milwaukee Brewers
    Hannes Hopley
    In 2004, my track and field season was magnificent, I broke the NCAA discus throw record, won my second NCAA discus crown and made the Athens Olympic Games Final and obtained 8th place. By the end of the year my world ranking was 11th. These great performances did not continue into 2005. In July 2005, I prematurely had to cancel my competitions in Europe due to very poor performances. This was a very tough and trying time for me because I lacked confidence, will power, and felt an extreme sense of failure. My world ranking fell to 53 and I wanted to quit.

    “I started researching some methods and techniques and I came across Stacey’s website. I knew immediately that this was my answer. Stacey showed me how my emotions were affecting my performances, and the techniques she used to neutralize those emotions had immediate results. It has been an amazing journey working with her, and she has helped me regain confidence, a belief in myself, and a will to continue. I now go out and compete and have fun without that ‘extra baggage’. She has really given my track and field career a second chance.

    Hannes Hopley, South African 2004 Olympic Games Discus Throw Finalist
    Mike Bell
    I made a career decision that ended an 11-year stint as a professional baseball player. I tried my hand at coaching and at that specific time in my life it was not for me. I had trouble adjusting from a life of playing baseball to coaching and then again into the business world. Thankfully my brother introduced me to Stacey, and I have been a different person ever since. I realized things about myself that I never knew and exercised some of the demons that had plagued me for years. Since the time I spent with Stacey I feel that I have become a better father and husband. I am more comfortable with my career and myself than I ever was when I played.

    “As a player I dealt with many “mental” obstacles. The bottom line was that I did not believe in myself. I was always out to prove somebody right or wrong. There were very few times when I was able to play for me. I wish I had a resource like Stacey when I played; there is no doubt in my mind it would have made me a better player. Baseball like all sports is as demanding mentally as it is physically and the sooner players realize this the quicker they can get the most out of their physical bodies. Stacey is a wonderful person and very good at what she does. I am a better person for having met and worked with her. I will always remember the work Stacey and I put in and I continue to use the techniques that she taught me. I am forever grateful, thanks Stacey.

    Mike Bell, Retired Pro Baseball Player; Director of Player Development Diamondback’s Organization
    Victor Carey
    As an amateur athlete, I decided to work with Stacey around my performance playing tennis at competitive club level. It was matters related to pre-match pressure, comparing myself to opponents, self doubt and more. Stacey helped me delve into events that marked my childhood when competing: we released the negative emotions I had stored for so many years! The results have blown my mind: winning matches, adapting my game to new courts, higher stamina, having a game plan that can be changed easily during the match, high self-esteem. When playing doubles I developed the ability to influence partners whom I never had played before. And the list goes on!! Stacey helped me unleash the potential as an amateur athlete, I am very grateful to her professional and personal touch.
    Victor Carey, Amateur Tennis Player
    Pat Ahearne
    The Baseball Manual presents EFT in such a way that it helps athletes use tapping on their own. The protocols guide you so that you can get effective results just on your own. When you have situations that need to be dealt with in baseball and you have the Manual in front of you, you’re more likely tap. It’s really good motivation to say, ‘I’m not sure what it is that I need to tap on, but let me just flip open to a page and go through one of the protocols and see where it takes me.’ This is a really easy do-it-yourself guide.
    Pat Ahearne, Professional Baseball Player, Former Pitcher for Detroit Tigers
    Bill Base

    The Hockey Manual has so much information for everything. If you’re tired and fatigued, if you need energy, there are tapping protocols for everything in there. You don’t even need to be an athlete to own the manual. There’s stuff in there for everything in life. When something else is going on in your life that’s bothering you, you can find help for that in the Manual. The Hockey Manual has been great for me and I use it every day.

    Billy Blase, Top 10 NCAA Goalie
    Barry Conser
    What Stacey has helped me with the most is learning how to play in the present by eliminating doubts in my performance and ability. Her technique erases the emotional attachment you have to negative performance situations. She’s basically eliminated those and put me back to square one.
    Barry Conser, Professional Golfer
    The biggest thing that’s happened for me in doing this work with Stacey has been the pace of the game slowing down for me. I can slow down the pace and control it, rather than it controlling me. My mind isn’t racing anymore. I recognize pitches now and get good swings.
    K. S., Major League Baseball Player
    My work with Stacey has made a major difference in my game. EFT is something you can use for everything. It’s a tremendous tool I wish I had known about a long time ago. Golf is a game of how you react mentally. One bad shot or hole can ruin a round. Tapping has improved how I think on the course, my calmness and my concentration. It calms you right away and makes you realize you’re in control of your emotions, of how you act and react in certain situations. I wish I had found Stacey when I was still playing football. She could have extended my career by at least four years.
    Seth Joyner, Celebrity Players Tour Golfer and former NFL Linebacker
    Bill Siemens
    I like to work out, but when I take these long trips to Asia I get off my workout routine. So I tell everybody I’m a perpetual beginning workout guy, because after three or four weeks on the road I come back and I’m always starting over. And of course the worst thing about starting over with workouts is how sore your muscles are in the first week. The first time I used the Body Recovery protocols it was incredible, I mean no pain after working out. None of the lactic acid buildup, which Stacey had promised me it would address. The next day I’m in the gym like I’d been working out for two or three weeks. I use these protocols religiously. I tell my trainers about it, I tell everybody I can. They find it hard to believe but I tell you I’m living proof.
    Bill Siemens, Owner of Globalink Network
    Linda Vollstedt
    I had this horrible career-ending injury to my knee. I had exhausted all possibilities. I had been through knee replacement surgery and my surgeon told me that there was really no reason for me to continue to have as much pain as I was having; my knee should be stronger and I should be able to do more things. Yet I really wasn’t able to do more things and I still had pain. I felt absolutely stuck. It was like I was dragging this leg along and it was so heavy. I just knew that there had to be some way to release the emotions and the trauma that was tied into the injury.

    Once Stacey and I started tapping, I started to release all those emotions that had been stored in my system. And once I started to release the emotions, my body began to heal and my leg just became lighter, the pain started to go away, and I was really able to do many more things. When you tap, you’re able to release the emotions that are tied into an injury or a thought about things that are going on. Once you release those, that allows you to then move on.

    Linda Vollstedt, Former ASU Women’s Golf Coach for 21 yrs., led the Sun Devils to 6 NCAA Championships, 9 Conference titles, coached 42 All Americans, and sent 22 players to the LPGA Tour; inducted into the ASU Hall of Fame in 2002 and the Women’s Sports Foundation Hall of Fame in 2003
    Tara Moore
    I think the Tennis Manual is just amazing. I have been able to find a protocol for simply every situation I want help with; whether it’s being tired or fatigued or wanting to have more focus while I play, it really has been one of the most useful things I have ever come across. Tapping has changed my match play. I now have a mental preparation that I do, not just a physical preparation. It takes care of nerves and gives me a focus for the entire match based on what I practiced during the week. This has improved the consistency of my match play dramatically. My teammates have said, ‘You are really playing well’. When your teammates start telling you that week after week, it makes an impression.
    Tara Moore, Amateur Tennis Player
    Howard Twitty
    Through the use of EFT with Stacey, I have dramatically reduced my anxiety during tournaments. This allows my body and mind to work in harmony. Before EFT it was like listening to a radio station with a lot of static. Now I’m listening just to the music and I can enjoy it. On a personal level, nothing has approached the peace of mind and closure I’ve achieved regarding my son’s death that EFT has provided.
    Howard Twitty, Former Senior PGA Tour Pro
    Taylor Brimley
    I have been battling a shoulder injury for over 6 years. It wasn’t until I worked with Stacey that I was able to address the core issues behind it, and start thinking more positive about my internal dialogue about my shoulder. My shoulder used to pop out and dislocate playing Hockey or making other small movements. Now I feel it is strong and can handle whatever life throws at it. Stacey has given me a second chance with sports and playing the one thing I love more than anything, Hockey! She is one of the nicest people I have ever talked to, and you can tell she cares about her athlete’s performance and success. Thanks again Stacey!
    Taylor Brimley, Amateur Hockey Player
    Niklas Lemke
    The Golf Manual is easy to use. It doesn’t take a lot of time and you can do it pretty much anywhere. Golf is a lot more fun because I feel like I’m more in control, and I feel like I can affect my performance more than I did before. I’d say it’s the best way to change yourself into something that you want to become.
    Niklas Lemke, Professional Golfer
    Bill Siemens
    I’ve been using the Travel Recovery protocols for almost three years. I travel most of the time with my partner Kirsten. We often travel to Asia, which includes a transit of about 20 to 24 hours. It’s expensive to go to Asia, so I need to be ready to go when I hit the ground. We often schedule meetings that very same day. So in using her tapping protocols, what I’ve noticed is that when I hit the ground my recovery time is maybe a day, as opposed to the two or three days for my partner who doesn’t use it. She’s one of these people who knows about it, but just doesn’t think to use it. So while she’s knocked out, I’m busy working and I’m on to the next thing. The more dramatic thing I’ve noticed is that on the return home, because that’s when the jet lag always seems to be worse when you’re coming home from Asia, is my recovery time is only a day and a half. Her recovery time is more like a week. She’s just struggling with jet lag and I’m not.
    Bill Siemens, Owner of Globalink Network
    Greg Bruckner
    By working with Stacey and EFT I have freed up my mind and body to play better golf. It brings me back to what I’m doing on the golf course. I also use this technique during and between tournaments if I have trouble sleeping or my mind is racing. It quickly releases the stresses of the day and brings me back to a relaxed state.
    Greg Bruckner, Professional Golfer